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 Introduction…Greetings All! Welcome to my first blog. I will be an MBA exchange student at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business for 3 months. The contents are a combination of my random thoughts and hopefully insightful observations. My travel map shows South Africa so far from New York I’m so excited for this trip! There is some much to see and do. I cannot wait to learn first hand of South Africa’s development economically and socially after the oppressive grips of apartheid. How different is life for the races in South Africa today? How does the experience of blacks in America and South Africa compare. I look forward to sharing my investigation to find out if South Africa is really a world away?


1. lhtomberlin - February 10, 2008

Good like in Africa! Can’t wait to read more!

2. Shawn - February 11, 2008

Hi Jamila!

Glad to hear/see that you have made it safely. You jinxed yourself talking about your luggage but at least you have it now. This website is a great idea. Now I can log a in to hear/see about your quest around the world.

Big Bro

3. Akii - February 24, 2008


I love the blog! I feel like I’m there!!!! I hope that we can chat more going forward…


4. Akii - March 16, 2008

Hey! I just posted a greeting on your Pirateroundup.com page. How’s South Africa?

5. Cousin Diane Purnell - March 21, 2008

Hey Jamila,

I hope all is well….waiting to here more on your trip.

6. akii - March 26, 2008

The Ostrich pictures are funny! You are daring….. I can’t believe you held the egg!!! Looks like your having a lot of fun and trying a lot of new things -keep posting I love seeing all the pictures!

It cold and windy here! 😦 It looks bright and sunny there!!

How are the classes? Are you homesick?

7. mila2day - March 26, 2008

hi there! yes the eggs were huge! thankfully there were no babies inside!
it is very bright here. the weather has been in the low to mid 70s. Perfect!!
i am actually a little anxious about getting home since i have a bunch to do to prepare for school. but i am having a GREAT time while i’m here. i only have one class now. so my work load is pretty light. i am, however, working on a few local consulting projects. that keeps life quite interesting!! it is certainly a learning experience!! i’ll speak to you soon.
best! jamila

8. Jennifer Cobb - March 27, 2008

Wow… you sure are staying busy! What type of local consulting projects are you working on?

9. akii - March 28, 2008

Hey just checking you out again! Hola!

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